Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 5 Jan 1-8, 2013: Support Letter 2

Dear friends,

I just wanted to update you all on my fundraising progress for both my monthly-support goal and the Ghana project. As of today I have raised approximately $25 for monthly support and $485 towards the Ghana. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated! I have received many messages of encouragement and prayer support and I am very thankful for those blessings. Currently the office is very busy with preparations for the upcoming project to North Kenya. We are very excited to see what God will do there in the remote deserts of Kenya through medical clinics and pastoral training conferences. I am settling into my role here with the ministry and love every minute of minute of it. I hope you have a blessed 2013.

In Christ,

Andrew Colpitts

P.S. I am still well short of my goals. I still need to raise $475 per month and $3,015 for the Ghana project. Please prayerfully consider supporting me. Go to www.eagleprojects.com to donate.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Weeks 3 & 4: Dec 19, 2012- Jan 1, 2013

2012 was a momentous year for me. As I look back on the person I was one year ago, I see a different person-- not only circumstantially, but spiritually as well.  My resolution for 2012 was to worry less and trust God more. This resolution was tested from the get-go. At the beginning of the year, as with this year, I was charged with raising up $3500 for the Ghana project in March. Although I had raised that money for past trips, it always seems like an insurmountable sum. With only a few weeks left before the trip I still needed over $2000 in to go on the project. I was resolute and assured myself that if God wanted me on the project, the money would be raised. Sure enough, at the last minute, I had raised every penny needed and I was able to go preach to thousands of Ghanaian peoples. Due to the project, I had missed a crucial week of classes during my final semester of college. Yet despite the warnings of my professors, I did not worry. I trusted God and I graduated in May with a Bachelor's Degree.

After school came summer, and the toughest test of my resolution yet. God was gracious enough to give me an internship in my major right after graduation. After only 3 weeks however I was faced with a decision. I wasn't making any money during this internship, the work was making me miserable, and to top it all off, my boss had asked me to lie. I had been told over and over again that to make it in my chosen field, I needed internship experience. I gave it up to God. He told me I needed to quit. I didn't have a backup plan. I had no other jobs lined up. There were no internships available. I stood firm on my resolution however and I listened to God and spent no more than hour worrying. While the prospect of post-graduation unemployment seemed incredibly intimidating, I felt completely at peace.

After a month of hearing nothing from prospective employers, I was connected with an insurance company that needed a sales assistant part-time. I was wary of this job (it paid only on commission) , but I felt God calling me to it. After about a month of working with this company, I had made no money. I had no food in the cupboards. I had no gas in my car. I was broke. Yet I didn't worry. I trusted God. Somehow, my car never ran out of gas. Somehow I had three meals to eat every day. All told after the entire summer (May-September), I had earned a total of about $250 dollars. There was no logical reason for me to have gotten through that summer, but by the Grace of God I did. 

This brings me to my present situation. As I said in my support letter, I was called to join the ministry of EPI. Even though they couldn't pay me, I knew God wanted me here. I knew he wanted me to trust him completely. Well after a worry-free year of obstacles and barriers, I can say that trusting God during strife is far more satisfying than trusting myself during prosperity. 

Here's to another worry-free year.

God Bless,